"Chairs in Chinese Studies — both in China and the West — have become extremely valuable assets, as political as the highest political offices, and have become monopolized by patriarchs and their acolytes."
Elite universities like Harvard in the United States are a growing lure for well-heeled Chinese students. The attraction to the Ivy League is enhanced by high-profile donations from mainland businesspeople and a two-way traffic in visiting lectures by professors. The downside of sending top young scholars to the West, writes Thorsten Pattberg, is that China’s own elite universities lose out on some of the best talent. [READ AT GLOBAL ASIA (Online-Registration required)]
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
What is Language Imperialism? (Video)
Imperialism, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is "the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence" over another nation. Consequently, linguistic imperialism is the extension or imposition of one’s own language over another’s. Martin Luther's Bible translation is a good example, Georg Hegel's German Die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte (1830) is another; the former made the Bible German, the latter made world history German. Language imperialism is more surgical than that: It is the translation of foreign key terminologies into familiar vocabulary of one’s own language tradition in order to claim deutungshoheit, to diminish another culture’s originality, or to pretend to have full comprehension of a foreign topic by simply switching into one’s own lingua. So even if a nation is not strong enough to impose its own language over another’s, like Germany could never conquer the Chinese people, it could always try to steal important cultural property by giving it German names. [WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE]
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
I saw the Emperor - this world-soul - riding out of the city on reconnaissance (Hegel)
Breaking down systematic language imperialism in Western scholarship as well as Western key media such as The New York Times, The Economist, etc.
![]() |
Tourists and imperialists do not come to be taught. They call things the way they call things at home. |
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
The Shengren - How it started at Peking University
"The Shengren is the single most important concept in the Chinese tradition..." |
Monday, December 1, 2014
Dead in Translation: The Chinese Qingming Festival and its linguistic exodus
NEW VIDEO: Many Chinese ideas are deceased in world history yet behave in China as if alive: they are truly undead concepts.
The West’s disregard for foreign socio-cultural originality has become a real problem for the rest of the world. Western media and academia have the reputation for either omitting Chinese concepts or translating them into Western biblical and philosophical terminologies. This creates a perfect illusion: the West is all there is to know.
In the global discourse, true Chinese names and concepts gradually became useless currency. China has no longer any stake in the history of thought. Its unique concepts and ideas, after having been translated into convenient Western taxonomies, are no longer relevant.
The West’s disregard for foreign socio-cultural originality has become a real problem for the rest of the world. Western media and academia have the reputation for either omitting Chinese concepts or translating them into Western biblical and philosophical terminologies. This creates a perfect illusion: the West is all there is to know.
In the global discourse, true Chinese names and concepts gradually became useless currency. China has no longer any stake in the history of thought. Its unique concepts and ideas, after having been translated into convenient Western taxonomies, are no longer relevant.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
ASNET Talk (Tokyo University): Knowledge is a Polyglot
ASNET - Tokyo University - Pattberg: Knowledge is a Polyglot: Japan and China in the Global Competition for Terminologies (Jan 8, 2015)
DOWNLOAD PDF: http://www.asnet.u-tokyo.ac.jp/files/img/AS2014winter3.pdf
DOWNLOAD PDF: http://www.asnet.u-tokyo.ac.jp/files/img/AS2014winter3.pdf
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Pattberg accuses @nyt @wsf, others of 'censoring China,' & 'Orwellian rules of writing
To be exact, I also said they are "pseudo-global publications". That's because if The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist etc. were truly global, they wouldn't censor Chinese (and so many other foreign) words and concepts, and they wouldn't stick to their outdated, ultra-violent, racist Orwellian rules of writing (or derivatives of thereof). I reckon that, since so many Western journalist are evidently slow in reporting their own limitations, the case of rampant translation of Chinese key terminologies in those publications will only become a well-reported issue in the West in a decade from now or two; or ten -who knows. But, I would be surprised if the West could get away with language imperialism forever. The liberalization of non-Western words and concepts has only just begun.
Language Imperialism in Western China Studies
At the core of this notion is the West’s (almost) universal disregard for foreign cultural property and originality, as demonstrated in this piece by the Western syndication of “philosophy” and its shady and shameless propaganda methods. Western academics, publishers, and journalists have fabricated an Orwellian ‘World History’ in which Western-only (now exclusively English) terms are eligible. Everything else must be translated, or perish.
This coercion and blackmail of Chinese thought has been going on for centuries, unchecked, uncontested, with the result that today’s ‘China Studies’ and by extension China and the Chinese people in the Western mind have become literally ‘Chinese-free’. This is going to change, says Pattberg, but slowly: That’s because language imperialists hold most positions of power, are well funded, and are determined to guard their dubious (often biblical and philosophical) translations, their academic, political, or journalistic legacy and their colonial sense of entitlement. It’s basically like confronting an organized religion or very dangerous cult of China experts.
The only thing language imperialists don’t have is probably this: an easy future. Just like racism, language imperialism is going lose its justification and its legitimacy eventually; in favor of a more just, authentic, and more correct depiction of foreign cultures. The liberalization of Chinese and other foreign terminologies has only just begun.
Dr. Thorsten J. Pattberg (裴德思 Pei Desi) is a German writer, linguist, and cultural critic. Dr. Pattberg has written and published extensively about Global language, Competition for terminologies, and theEnd of translation. He is also active in promoting Confucianism, in particular Chinese terminologies, on a global scale.
You’ve Heard About It:
You’ve Heard About It:
RELATED READING: Free Asia-Pacific from Western hold (China Daily)
“Historians persistently warn against misleading biblical and philosophical Western translations of non-Western concepts, but few people outside the profession have heard about their critique. Meanwhile, Western language imperialists pick “Cultural China” into pieces word by word. Most of today’s Western China Studies is fraudulent, incorrect, and misleading.” –Asia Times, July 24, 2012
Institutions and persons mentioned by name (for or against the notion):
Frontiers of Philosophy in China, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, George Orwell, Slavoj Zizek, Benjamin Schwartz, Ji Xianlin, Tu Weiming, Gu Zhengkun, Roger T. Ames, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Warp Weft Way, Peking University Department of Philosophy, Council of Research in Values and Philosophy, The East-West Dichotomy
Book titles and images shown (for or against the notion):
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy by Bryan W. van Norden
Chinese Philosophy: A Selective and Analytic Approach by Joseph S. Wu
Encyclopedia in Chinese Philosophy by Antonio S. Cua
Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy: Han Dynasty in the 20thCentury by Justin Tiwald
Chinese Philosophy by Peter Nancorrow
Creativity and Taoism by Chung-yuan Chang
Heaven and Earth Are Not Humane: The Problem of Evil in Classical Chinese Philosophy by Franklin Perkins
The Way and Its Power: Lao Tsu’s Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought by Arthur Waley
On Philosophy in China by Hyun Hochsmann
The Beginnings of Philosophy in China by Richard Gotshalk
Chinese Philosophy by Wen Haiming
Virtue Ethics and Consequentialism in Early Chinese Philosophy by Bryan W. van Norden
Philosophy on Bamboo: Text and The Production of Meaning in Early China by Dirk Meyer
Understanding Confucian Philosophy: Classical and Sung-Ming by Shu-Hsien Liu
An Intellectual History of China, Vol 1, Knowledge, Thought, and Belief before the Seventh Century CE by Zhaoguang Ge
Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese & Western Philosophical Approaches by Karl-Heinz Pohl
Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China by Arthur Waley
Yinyang: Cosmology, Lineage, and Ritual by Robin R. Wang
Chinese Thought: From Confucius to Mao Tse-Tung by Herrlee G. Creel
Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power by Yan Xuetong
Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought by Wolfram Eberhard
A Short History of Chinese Philosophy: A Systematic Account of Chinese Thought From Its Origins to the Present Day by Fung Yu-Lan
Readings in Han Chinese Thought by Mark Csikszentmihalyi
A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation by Chad Hansen
The World of Thought in Ancient China by Benjamin I. Schwartz
Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy by Stephen C. Angle
Sagehood: The Contemporary Significance of Neo-Confucian Philosophy by Stephen C. Angle
Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry by Stephen C. Angle
A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy by Wing-Tsit Chan
Oriental Philosophy: A Westerner’s Guide to Eastern Thought by Stuart C. Hackett
The Central Philosophy of Tibet by Robert A. F. Thurman
Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy by Chung-ying Cheng
Dao Companion to Neo-Confucian Philosophy by John Makeham
Embodied Moral Psychology and Confucian Philosophy by Bongrae Seok
The Confucian Creation of Heaven: Philosophy and the Defense of Ritual Mastery by Robert Eno
Confucian Reflections: Ancient Wisdom For Modern Times by Philip J. Ivanhoe
An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy by Karyn L. Lai
Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times by Joseph Chan
Confucian Philosophy: Innovations and Transformations by Chung-ying Cheng and Justin Tiwald
A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future by Jiang Qing
An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: From Ancient Philosophy to Chinese Buddhism by Jeeloo Liu
A History of Chinese of Chinese Philosophy, Vol 1, The Period of the Philosophers by Fung Yu-lan
The Way of the World: Readings in Chinese Philosophy by Thomas Cleary
Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy by Zhang Dainian
Philosophy, Philology, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century China by Li Fu
Dialogue of Philosophies, Religions and Civilizations in the Era of Globalization, ed. By Zhao Dunhua
Media Writing: Print, Broadcast, and Public Relations by W. Richard Whitaker
An English Grammar with Exercises, Notes, and Questions by Rev. W. Allen
The Grammar of Empire in Eighteen-Century British Writing by Janet Sorensen
An Arrangement of English Grammar with… by David Davidson
The Principles of English Grammar by William Lennie
Effective Internal Communication by Lyn Smith
The Little Book on Oral Argument by Alan L. Dworsky
Speaking to Good Effect: An Introduction by Douglas G. Lawrie
Writing Remedies: Practical Exercises for Technical Writing by Edmond H. Weiss
The Wall Street Journal: Guide to Business Style and Usage by Paul R. Martin
The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, The University of Chicago
Writing with Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing by John R. Trimble
The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E. B. White
The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage: The Official Style Guide Used by the Writers and Editors of the World’s Most Authoritative Newspaper by Allan M. Siegal and William G. Connolly
The Economist Style Guide: The Bestselling Guide to English Usage, The Economist
Effective Writings Skills for Public Relations by John Foster
A History of English Language by Richard Hogg and David Denison
Eighteenth-Century English: Ideology and Change by Raymond Hickey
China’s Security State: Philosophy, Evolution, and Politics by Xuezhi Guo
Politics and the English Language, George Orwell
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington
On China by Henry Kissinger
The End of History and The Last Man by Francis Fukuyama
God’s Empire: Religion and Colonialism in the British World by Hilary M. Carey
George Eliot and the British Empire, by Nancy Henry
A Union for Empire: Political Thought and the Union of 1707 by John Robertson
Understanding the British Empire by Ronald Hyam
Race and Empire in British Politics by Paul B. Rich
The Ideological Origins of the British Empire by David Armitage
1984 by George Orwell
rujiao, daojiao, fojiao, jiao, xue, jia, zhexue, shengren, tetsugaku
Friday, November 21, 2014
O culto aos ‘especialistas em China’
Big Shout-out to the Instituto João Goulart, Rio de Janeiro!
"A maioria dos ‘especialistas em China’ são preconceituosos até a última fibra. Toleram todas as cores de pele, desde que ocidentalizadas e falantes de inglês, mas manifestam o mais total desprezo por termos em outras línguas, conceitos, terminologia (a isso se chama “imperialismo linguístico”). E são quem decide quem – chinês ou não chinês – é elogiado e repetido e quem será difamado, com suas opiniões – o que é ainda mais grave – varridas para sempre de qualquer matéria ou coluna sobre a China. A corrupção pessoal desses ‘jornalistas’ e ‘especialistas’ é cuidadosamente apagada dos registros.
Pergunte a você mesmo: quando você encontrou alguma matéria, coluna, ensaio, o que for, assinado por analista chinês não ‘dissidente’, publicado em qualquer dos jornais e noticiosos e telejornais redigidos no idioma de seu país [no nosso caso: em língua portuguesa]? Nem precisa pensar muito: você jamais leu, nunca. O cerco orwelliano é total, apertado, absoluto. Sobre a China, não se lê no ocidente absolutamente nada que preste. Nada. Zero." [...]
Source: Instituto Joao Goulart, Brazil
English Source: Thorsten Pattberg, Asia Times, Hong Kong
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Corruption at Peking University. No more, no less. (The case of Xia Yeliang)
It is hard to be a democrat in an authoritarian society: China's flagship of higher education, Peking University, has once again ministered to that reality by debunking yet another of its liberal voices: Xia Yeliang.
Normally the removal of its internal critics goes unnoticed. Yet, Mr. Xia [a now former] economics professor who is a signatory of Charter 08 calling for democracy, decided to fight injustice and go public. [...]
This piece was first published by Asia Times on Aug 19, 2013.
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Difference Between Chinese 龙 "Long" and Western "Dragon" (Video)
The Chinese 龙 (long) is in many ways different from the Western concept of "dragon." If they two civilizations meet, they clash: the majestic, divine, and inherently good 'long' (it is a composition of creatures such as horse, snake, eagle, tiger, and so on) in the imaginations of Westerners turns into a fierce, pear-bodied, flame-throwing beast that needs to be slain.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Thorsten Pattberg geht in der Asia Times hart mit westlichen "China-Experten" ins Gericht
SHOUT-OUT to MEDIAWATCH for inclusion:
"Thorsten Pattberg geht in der Asia Times hart mit westlichen "China-Experten" ins Gericht. Deren Methoden scheinen die Grenzen wissenschaftlich und politisch motivierter Streitkultur leider deutlich zu überschreiten..... Sehr empfehlenswert."
"Thorsten Pattberg geht in der Asia Times hart mit westlichen "China-Experten" ins Gericht. Deren Methoden scheinen die Grenzen wissenschaftlich und politisch motivierter Streitkultur leider deutlich zu überschreiten..... Sehr empfehlenswert."
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
James Miller: The demonization of China is shameful
#China #Apec2014 #ChinaExperts Will Canada ever end its demonization of China? by James Miller http://on.thestar.com/1s5n0rS via @torontostar
Here are some of my own thoughts on this:
As APEC 2014 kicks off in Beijing this week, there has been increasing reportings about militant 'China experts', mostly from Western countries, that have nothing else to do in life than demonizing China and everything Chinese (there is big Western money in it), resembling or at least bordering on the systematic demonization of the Jewish race in the 20th Century. Their ultimate goal is clear: China either Westernizes and does as Washington and its allies demand, or else (especially if your racial or cultural features prevent your from doing so), we the foot soldiers -under the guise and pretext of Western free journalism -, destroy your reputation, dislodge your society, and usurp your government. Already, US journalism dispatched its troops in order to destabilize Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. This anti-China bashing has gotten so out of control in the last 10 years that we may as well speak of rampant journalistic terrorism aimed at China. If historians in a hundred years will look back at the corruption and the China reporting by today's The New York Times, The Economist, Bloomberg etc. they might conclude that it was a form of US Nazism. And, yes, some commentators fear that war and genocide is coming back to East Asia, because this toxic hatred for China, fabricated and spin-doctored by Western media and the so-called China experts, might get out of hand, as it did towards Islam or the Russians. That said, more and more academics (because their lives are increasingly affected by this Western anti-China, anti-Russian, anti-Islam, anti-everything madness) call for an end of racial and cultural demonization of the East. Finally, everyone hopes that China will not overreact to Western journalistic terrorism, because that is exactly what Western agents hope to archive: creating enough momentum to justify and launch the next, even bigger anti-China campaign.
Thought of the Day: Noam Chomsky calls US "world's leading terrorist state", based on its own definitions of what constitutes 'terrorism' when other states are doing it.
"Of course, no country is perfect. America launched the second Gulf War on a false pretext, and brought about 100,000 or more civilian deaths. But Canadians view America as a flawed big brother whose power we must respect and whose flaws we must, from time to time, accept. It would be absurd to imagine that we should boycott the American Fulbright scholarship program as a result of America’s foreign policy." --J. Miller
Here are some of my own thoughts on this:
As APEC 2014 kicks off in Beijing this week, there has been increasing reportings about militant 'China experts', mostly from Western countries, that have nothing else to do in life than demonizing China and everything Chinese (there is big Western money in it), resembling or at least bordering on the systematic demonization of the Jewish race in the 20th Century. Their ultimate goal is clear: China either Westernizes and does as Washington and its allies demand, or else (especially if your racial or cultural features prevent your from doing so), we the foot soldiers -under the guise and pretext of Western free journalism -, destroy your reputation, dislodge your society, and usurp your government. Already, US journalism dispatched its troops in order to destabilize Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. This anti-China bashing has gotten so out of control in the last 10 years that we may as well speak of rampant journalistic terrorism aimed at China. If historians in a hundred years will look back at the corruption and the China reporting by today's The New York Times, The Economist, Bloomberg etc. they might conclude that it was a form of US Nazism. And, yes, some commentators fear that war and genocide is coming back to East Asia, because this toxic hatred for China, fabricated and spin-doctored by Western media and the so-called China experts, might get out of hand, as it did towards Islam or the Russians. That said, more and more academics (because their lives are increasingly affected by this Western anti-China, anti-Russian, anti-Islam, anti-everything madness) call for an end of racial and cultural demonization of the East. Finally, everyone hopes that China will not overreact to Western journalistic terrorism, because that is exactly what Western agents hope to archive: creating enough momentum to justify and launch the next, even bigger anti-China campaign.
Thought of the Day: Noam Chomsky calls US "world's leading terrorist state", based on its own definitions of what constitutes 'terrorism' when other states are doing it.
Foreigners have a blast in Beijing, refuse to assimilate!
The Beijinger has a fantastic piece by Michael Wester on foreign "expats"* in Beijing:
"If you've been thinking lately that Beijing's expat scene is a complete sausage fest dominated by foreigners who can barely speak Chinese, you're right: A comprehensive study of the foreign population in China released last week shows that 74 percent of the expatriate population are dudes and three out of four "understood only simple words in Chinese."
In a poll designed to figure out how to attract and retain foreign talent, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs discovered that 73.8 percent were male, and only a shockingly low 8 percent report that they could speak at least simple Chinese."
Egads you neanderthals! [READ FULL PIECE AT THE BEIJINGER]
*Note that most Westerners reserve the classy title "expats" (expatriates) for themselves, but few of them really are. They are neither dispatched nor have expat packages or diplomatic status. The large majority of them are just tourists, students, and immigrants.
Shoutout to ThinkInChina for sharing it!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
When predicting the future of nations goes terribly wrong
Francis Fukuyama’s ambitious 'The End of History' wasn't the only historical blunder of epic proportions when it came to foretelling the future. Here's a 1910 report drafted by Theodor von Holleben, a former German diplomat, about a future of China, Japan, Germany, and the USA that was never meant to be... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jch7U7Yy4Ls
'China Experts' Take China Aim in A War of Words
Didn't know you have a radio show, nice. On that blogger, I am not so sure, Ian. I honestly believe that he is just one of about 4-5 billion people on this planet that don't like US imperialism. We can't blame them, really. That said, it is probably the mighty US media which is in full propaganda mode now and constantly coerces all other governments and civilizations. And, needless to say, the Western cause is far better equipped (the global English language), staffed (privileged white people such as yours), and is ideologically absolutely determined to win that "War of Words" almost effortlessly between this and the next pee break.
#China #WarofWords #IanJohnson #Imperialism#LanguageImperialism
#China #WarofWords #IanJohnson #Imperialism#LanguageImperialism
Some comments on the 'Cult of China Experts' #China
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