[GO BACK TO PART 1] Even those US companies who are running the German Internet - Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter, etc. - are often baffled by the creativity of German censors. For example, millions of Youtube videos are blocked by Gema, the media watchdog, for "copyright reasons;" Online comment sections of all major newspapers are "moderated" by armies of press soldiers; Facebook, in January 2016, was asked to hire hundreds of 'customer care agents' who now delete "incorrect" political views; Google receives 66,000 German applications a year for content deletion. The list goes on.
- Censorship in Germany: Almost two thirds of Youtube's Top 1000 videos are blocked in Germany. Source: Alternativmedien.info
You will be punished for your offensive words! warns Minister of Justice
Meanwhile, Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, warned the Germans about typing hateful comments on Facebook: "There will be harsh punishment. [...] There is zero tolerance for crimes on the Internet." Minister of Interior, Thomas de Maizière, added that "violent language is unacceptable because it prepares the way for real violence" (bullshit!). Holger Münch, from the Federal Bureau, urges the Germans to tattletale on their fellow citizens. For that, and you are never gonna believe this but it's true, the Ministry of Interior has set up a vast network of 'Internetwachen' where citizens can turn online informants.
Die Zeit reported how one Facebook user was fined 2,000 Euros ($2,219) for a post saying "Merkel should to be stoned." And that's a bargain! "The Jews had it coming! [the Holocaust]" will set you back 5,000 Euros ($5,547), according to Tagesanzeiger. Which is nuts, now that the mass media also said it.
Die Zeit reported how one Facebook user was fined 2,000 Euros ($2,219) for a post saying "Merkel should to be stoned." And that's a bargain! "The Jews had it coming! [the Holocaust]" will set you back 5,000 Euros ($5,547), according to Tagesanzeiger. Which is nuts, now that the mass media also said it.
So, how do democracy and shutting down the angry little man go together? The answer: They don't! Sure, our dear leaders deeply care about their country. If they want to hold their country together, however, they must silence the the naysayers, the saboteurs, the violent mob, the religious fanatics, and the borderline psychotic. For that leadership has to blow up democracy. Who knew?
- Facebook censorship is unconstitutional! Source: Schutzengel-Orga.de
Political theorists may salute the facts that Germany's hypocrisy is finally exposed: Outwardly, those expert philosophers in Berlin pretend to value freedom of expression, especially (and conveniently) for all those separatists, dissidents, and revolutionaries in China, Turkey, Syria, Ukraine, and Russia. Inwardly, of course, the regime is suppressing tens of millions of German and foreign proles, polemics, and people who genuinely want to smash the system. Let's face it: German democracy is a crock.
- That's right, most video games are censored in Germany. Source: Playmoments.de
Thought Police in Germany
You either have freedom of expression, or you don't. Thankfully, not all state media toe the line: The Second German Television (ZDF) runs a satire show, Hallo Deutschland, in which moderator Achim Winter shamed the new language police, for example the 'Amadeu Antonio Foundation'. The Foundation screens websites for opinions that it feels are "anti-democratic," and then pitches them to the gossip media and the government to shut them down.
- Oh, Mommy, I Ain't No Commie - I Just Fight Hate Speech on the Internet. Source: GatesofVienna.net
The Foundation immediately complained to the TV's internal committee of ethics and demanded the erasure of the show from electronic memory: We feel "shocked," its chairman informed the authorities -- "and deeply humiliated."
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