Saturday, June 27, 2015

Chinese Medicine Terms in the English language

Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD, writes about
Chinese terminologies and global
language (Image: FLP Beijing, 2013)
"I think what you say is true, but there's more to it than that. Of course, being vacation in lovely Hawaii, it's understandable that you should be outdoors and enjoying the scenery, rather than spending time typing long comments on a blog! So this is not a criticism. But I'd like to suggest some further ideas in this vein.
As you note, China being richer is fundamental. This means a larger number of students able to afford study, and able to become scholars and writers and other producers and interpreters of Chinese knowledge able to communicate in English (as well as other non-Chinese languages) and in Chinese. It takes years of personal effort and institutional support to nurture scholars and talents. A richer and more economically vibrant Chinese society generates opportunities for careers for individuals seeking to tap into this economy. This provides opportunities for not only the population of ethnic Chinese, but also non-ethnic Chinese. Scholars like Professor Pattberg who have devoted years of their lives to Chinese studies play an enormous part in helping people understand the significance of Chinese intellectual and cultural traditions.

This doesn't "just happen" as a result of China becoming wealthier – after all, individuals need to choose to study these fields, to find meaning in what they do, and the subject matter needs to be intellectually enriching for them to build a professional scholarly career upon. But of course, the wonderful thing is that the richness of Chinese traditional intellectual culture (including the period in the last 150 years as it has confronted western and modern traditions, as well as the fracturing of Chinese social and political institutions under the onslaught of Western (and Japanese) imperialism) provides so much of interest to the scholar that there is an endless profusion of material on which to generate new ideas and new knowledge for consumption in education, cultural and markets for applied knowledge.
One of the areas in which we have seen a proliferation of "Chinese terminology" in English language during the past few decades are terms relating to Chinese martial arts and medicine. The terms "kung fu", "qi", "Tai chi (Taiji)", "yin yang", "tao" (dao) and "feng shui" have become almost commonplace English language concepts."

by DeWang [Sourcetext]

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to translate Chinese ideological and cultural terms? New book illuminates the humanities!

It took over 70 professors two years... finally it's getting published in June 2015! 


2013年12月,经国务院批准,设立“中华思想文化术语传播工程”(以下简称“工程”),确立以北京外国语大学和外研社为依托,协同国内外70余位文、史、哲等学科及英语翻译领域的专家学者共同开展中华思想文化术语的梳理、筛选、诠释和翻译工作。 [...]

Thursday, June 11, 2015

We are told that "America won WWII"; We are not told that Germany lost the war at the gates of Stalingrad (Eric Arnow)

MOSCOW/SEVASTOPOL – Eric Arnow, from Boston Massachusetts, USA, is a Zen Buddhist with Russian Roots who traveled extensively, and over long periods of time, in China, Japan, and Thailand. In May 2015, he decided to visit Russia, travelling from Moscow to Sevastopol in the Crimean peninsula. Here are his impressions:
“I think the story I sent you speaks for itself, how I decided to go to Russia.
My name is Eric Arnow. 66 yo, I grew up in Boston Massachusetts, USA. My 4 grandparents, from one or another part of the Russian empire, came to the US in early 20th century, to either escape difficult political, or economic situation there.
I studied Buddhism for 40 years–Zen Buddhism as practiced in Japan.
Came to Thailand in 2004, Spent a lot of time in China to find my Zen roots, from 2007-14.
But maybe due to my ancestral roots, felt affinity with Russia and the situation in that area. So, when I heard that the West was dissing Russia after all it went through, I thought it would be a good thing to see for myself what is going on, meet and make friends. A One Man Peace Army.
That’s it in a nutshell.” –Eric Arnow, 2015
A Traveler's Impressions from Western-sanctioned Russia, Part 1
A Traveler’s Impressions from Western-sanctioned Russia (Part 1) – by Eric Arnow
Russia and the West hold different views on World History (Party 2) – by Eric Arnow
Russia and the West hold different views on World History (Part 2) – by Eric Arnow
Posted with permission by the author. Eric Arnow can be reached at
©2015 Eric Arnow

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pattberg geht hart mit westlichen 'China Experten' ins Gericht

"Thorsten Pattberg geht in der Asia Times hart mit westlichen "China-Experten" ins Gericht. Deren Methoden scheinen die Grenzen wissenschaftlich und politisch motivierter Streitkultur leider deutlich zu überschreiten..... Sehr empfehlenswert."
Source: MediaWatch - Fundstuecke im Internet

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Yao Minji: A dreamy, smoggy, funny year

A dreamy, smoggy, funny year

“It’s not about a definition, but more about universality,” Thorsten Pattberg, a research fellow at Peking University, said of Xi’s concept. “Everyone has dreams. The question becomes: Can you fulfill your dreams in China and not elsewhere?”

Pattberg: China reveres foreign degrees more than its own diplomas

China reveres foreign degrees more than its own diplomas

(Shanghai Daily)

Thorsten Pattberg, PhD, Peking University, is a former research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University and the author of “The East-West Dichotomy. Pattberg can be contacted at

Monday, June 1, 2015

German media calls American society kafkaesque and its feminists out-of-control (Sulkowicz Vs. Nungesser)

#feminism #carrythatweight #sulkowicz German media builds up behind #Nungesser, calls American society kafkaresque
In Amerika gibt es eine Lynchjustiz, keine Frage. DIE ZEIT schreibt von kafkaresquen Zuständen. Wie zu Zeiten der Hexenverfolgungen. Nur diesmal haben es die Frauen, Feministen der 3. Generation, es fertiggebracht, ein auf wilkürliche Anschuldigungen basierendes, eigenes „Rechtssystem“ zu schaffen, in dem die Weiber immer die Opfer sind, und die Kerle erst gar kein Recht bekommen können.